
Thursday, 8 January 2015


so, i have been to Magnum Restaurant in IOI MALL, Serdang.

very nicely decorated Magnum ice-cream..that costed me RM 9.90 (well, once in a blue moon...so..just go for it  =.=)

 Well, the white chocolate coated is Magnum Recess and another one is Magnum Cookie Monster..

The cheapest out of the rest (especially compare to the plated Magnum series)..plus, I just a student so....yeah....

anyway, the taste is soooooo delicious AS ALWAYS, however, you should bring along a bottle of mineral water to rinse your precious mouth from the sweetness of this irresistible ice cream..hahaha

p/s  i truly did not recommend couple (in relationship) to eat this together (even it is sweet enough to even make you guys feel even more lovey dovey to each other..euhh)...it is due tooooo...the fact that... you seriously need to control yourself ..i mean in the way you eat the ice cream..well...you will look ugly with all the chocolate stuck at your lips ...(plus you need to constantly wipe that...urgh..kinda annoying doe) .. however, if your couple didn't mind....you should then...

have fun~

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